Commissioner hearings are coming. Here is what the climate & environmental NGOs want to hear from the candidates.

The European Green Deal at the core of the Clean Industrial Deal


The last five years of EU policymaking have seen significant efforts to set out a clear transition path in law to a healthy EU economy and society, based on a first set of long-term objectives and interim milestones. The Green Deal has been and continues to be Europe’s best strategy for competitiveness and industrial transformation in the increasingly tightening global race for green and cleantech solutions.

Question we want to ask:

How will you ensure that the Green Deal stands at the core of the EU’s industrial and energy transition, namely the Clean Industrial Deal, ensuring it commits to decarbonisation, nature-positive and zero pollution efforts to advance the objectives laid out in the Green Deal legislative framework, in order for the EU to become a front-runner on sustainability?

Answer we want to hear:

The European Green Deal and its targets are the leading centrepiece of the EU’s industrial and energy transition for decades to come, being Europe’s long-term vision. Investments and law-making efforts on Europe’s industrial development and its competitiveness during the upcoming mandate will need to be future-proofed in terms of their environmental, climate and pollution impacts. They should also enable opportunities from energy and resource efficiency, circular economy measures and investments in cleantech solutions to be realised, helping with energy savings, job creation, resilience and competitiveness on sustainability. The Clean Industrial Deal, as part of the European Prosperity Plan, must not only be aligned with but also advance the interim and long-term targets of the Green Deal. Regulatory incentives and financial support need to clearly support scaling up crucial industry sectors for decarbonisation, as well as guaranteeing a pollution-free and nature-positive transition.

A robust package of green and social investments


Financing needs to achieve the EU's climate, environmental and social objectives are massive, while the European Green Deal lacks a European financing arm. The end of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) in 2026 implies a substantial reduction in investment as it will cut the EU’s financial firepower in half (by about €800 billion). At the same time, the reformed EU fiscal rules will lead to austerity measures and limit the fiscal capacity of Member States to invest in their transition. We need an ‘investments Commission’ to propose a robust investment package at the EU level of at least €1 trillion by 2030.

Question we want to ask:

Will you support a major investment plan, including building an EU investment capacity via an increased EU budget and a new borrowing programme to succeed NextGenEU?

Answer we want to hear:

Yes. A €1 trillion investment plan for people and the planet needs to be at the top of the agenda for this EU term. The challenges we face today in tackling multifaceted crises are largely investment challenges, and EU funding is more needed than ever to mobilise and boost public and private financing of Europe’s resilience, social fairness and competitive sustainability. Ahead of the EU elections, political parties’ manifestos all recognised this need. Now is the time to meet citizens’ expectations of a better future, invest in the transformation of our economy, and make good on the promises of the Green Deal.

Restoring nature for climate resilience


The alarming loss of natural habitats and species, accelerated by and worsening the impacts of climate change, poses significant risks to human livelihoods and economic activities, with 50% of global GDP being highly or moderately dependent on nature. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Agreement, the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Nature Restoration Law among others represent crucial tools for reversing biodiversity decline and enhancing climate resilience. Large-scale nature restoration not only safeguards ecosystems but also cost-effectively provides critical benefits such as carbon sequestration, flood protection, and improved air and water quality. Citizens across the EU have shown strong support for nature restoration. Implementing these initiatives effectively is vital for achieving climate goals and ensuring a resilient future for all Europeans. They need to receive full political priority and adequate resources, including dedicated funding. Aligning with existing and new policies, like the planned EU Climate Adaptation Plan and EU Water Resilience Initiative, is crucial for maximising benefits. However, nature conservation and restoration are currently drastically underfunded, leaving the EU off track to achieve its international and self-set objectives.

Question we want to ask:

What specific measures will you take to ensure the full implementation and enforcement of the EU Nature Restoration Law and the commitments under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Agreement, and will you allocate additional dedicated funding for nature restoration, conservation and nature-based solutions to support climate mitigation and adaptation?

Answer we want to hear:

Restoring nature is essential for Europe’s and global climate resilience as well as the well-being of all. By investing in and safeguarding nature, we not only address the biodiversity crisis and enhance our resilience but also protect human health and create sustainable economic opportunities. I will therefore prioritise the full implementation and enforcement of the EU Nature Restoration Law and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Agreement, among others, by ensuring that member states develop and adhere to ambitious nature restoration plans that are delivered within the two-year deadline. To support these efforts, I will advocate for the allocation of new and dedicated funds from the EU budget specifically for nature restoration and conservation. This includes creating financial mechanisms to support farmers, fishers, and landowners contributing to large-scale restoration projects and nature-based solutions. I will work to integrate nature restoration objectives into broader EU policies, ensuring coherence and maximising the impact of our actions.

About the page:

The Commissioner hearings campaign page is owned by an informal alliance between BirdLife Europe, Climate Action Network Europe, European Environmental Bureau, Transport & Environment and WWF European Policy Office. In case you have any questions, please reach out to one of the above-mentioned organisations.

This work is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

This work is funded by the Minor Foundation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the Minor Foundation.